1st International Conference
Science Cannot Wait: New Horizons
in Water, Raw Materials, Geology, Ecology, Energy and Environmental and Veterinary Sciences
ciara 29-30 November 2021


Conference fee

The participation is free of charge for presenters and participants.

Conference Venue

The Conference is organised via an on-line platform. The instructions will be published here and sent to the participants prior to the Conference date.

Important dates

Full Manuscript Submissions:

Forms of Presentations

Papers are accepted in oral and poster sessions. The Scientific Committee holds the right to change the form of presentation submitted by the Authors. The presentations should be prepared in English. The presentation requirements are as follows:

Special requirements are for the Slovak section “Applied Ecology in Practice” (seminár Aplikovaná ekológia v praxi). HERE

Any questions to the authors will be presented immediately after the presentation (oral and poster). The form of asking a question will be given with the instructions to on-line presentation.

Certificate of Presentation

The presenting authors will receive a Certificate of Attendance. The Certificate will be sent to the authors’ e-mails after the Conference until 23 December 2021.

Record of Presentation

The entire Conference is recorded. Photos and screenshots are taken during the Conference for internal and external promotions and use. Participants may request a copy of the photos or videos after the Conference.